Commodore OS on VirtualBox with Pre-Installed Image (Download Link)

Commodore is a Linux-based OS which is no longer in development. It is a discontinued release, and the official website is no more active. But still, there are few individuals and fan-based communities that keep this OS live.

As Linux and Open source enthusiasts, we tried to install it on the latest VirtualBox, and it worked. Here is the final version of the Commodore 1.5.1 Beta pre-installed VDI image file.

About the Image

Suppose you are a fan of Commodore OS and its emulators to get old computer experience. In that case, this image can help you run the OS as a virtual machine with VirtualBox on your Windows, Linux, or even the macOS.

You can avoid downloading the 2 ISO files and do the installation of OS and additional tools by using this pre-installed Commodore VirtualBox image.

OS Image

This is a 64bit version of OS, and I built the image from a 64bit physical computer. Even if your physical computer processor is 32bit, try to set the processor type as 64bit in the virtual machine settings and try this VDI hard disk file.

The file size may look more massive than usual Linux OS distributions because I installed the additional tools to get better performance inside VirtualBox. Usually, you need to download 2 ISO files if you want to install Commodore OS from scratch.

The first ISO will be for the OS, and the 2nd ISO file will have the extra tools and features. I installed both ISOs on this virtual machine and exported it in a compressed format to support Commorode and the open source community.

Working Screenshots

Commodore OS On VirtualBox
Login Screen
Extra Tools

Download Commodore OS VDI Image

Commodore 1.5.1 Beta

12 GB

Download Link

Username: sysprobs
Password: sysprobs123
Platform: 64Bit
OS Update: Installed Extra Tools
VB Guest Additions Tools: Not Installed
Minimum VM Config: 1 VCPU, 1GB RAM
Language: US English

If any of the above solutions did not fix the Windows PC issues, we recommend downloading the below PC repair tool to identify and solve any PC Issues.

Dinesh is the founder of Sysprobs and written more than 400 articles. Enthusiast in Microsoft and cloud technologies with more than 15 years of IT experience.

3 thoughts on “Commodore OS on VirtualBox with Pre-Installed Image (Download Link)”

    • It is mentioned in the ‘Read Me’ tab.

      Username: sysprobs
      Password: sysprobs123
      Plaftform: 64Bit
      OS Update: Installed Extra Tools
      VB Guest Additions Tools: Not Installed
      Minimum VM Config: 1 VCPU, 1GB RAM
      Language: US English

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