Recently I encountered a strange issue on my Sony Android TV which said that the ‘Wi-Fi has no Internet access’. When other devices on the same Wi-Fi could access the internet without any issues, the TV was giving this error. I was not able to open YouTube, Amazon Prime or anything related to the internet except Netflix. Still, I do not know how Netflix worked while having this error.

Anyhow, finally I found the way to fix. Here are steps you can follow if your Andoird TV has connected to Wi-Fi but says No internet access.
Things I tried but did not work.
- Soft/hard restart of the TV to reboot the Android OS.
- Restarted the internet router
- Forget and reconnect the Wi-Fi on the TV
- Changed the Wi-Fi IP from DHCP to Static.
- Changed the DNS server from the default Internet router to public DNS such as Google DNS
I thought I was smart in trying these methods to make it work, but none helped me.
The actual issue was about the Date and Time settings of the TV. I’m pretty sure if you check your TV’s date, it will be well behind the current date. If the date & time was set to ‘Use broadcast time’ option, you might face this issue.
Follow These Steps
The below steps will fix the Wi-Fi internet issues on your Android TV.
Total Time: 10 minutes
Go to ‘Settings’ on the TV by remote control or connected keyboard.
Access Date & Time.
Mostly you see the wrong date here. That was the reason for the internet access issue on Android TV.
Tap the ‘Automatic data & Time’ option.
Select ‘Use network time’ – which will get the time from the network.
Make sure that the date and time are changed correctly now.
With the use network time, the date and time will sync correctly via internet time servers. If not, you need to select ‘None’ and set it manually.
Now without any further actions, your Wi-Fi internet will work on Android TV.
Next time remember this tip if you experience a similar issue. Mostly it should not happen once you change the time settings to use network time. But who knows? Later once you reset the TV, it may go back to default options. Setting up the date and time correctly will fix this Wi-Fi connected but no internet access issue on Android TV.
thanks for quick fix. tv update must have changed the date and internet stopped working. using network date /time fixed issue.